2 Warbots
The galaxy is teeming with organic life. It’s everywhere, and where
there is organic life, some poor bot is probably cleaning up after it.
Or making its dinner.
Some of the galaxy’s organic races use botz for war, or for
teaching the young, performing menial tasks, or any of dozens of
other tasks large and small. Some civilizations have given over
complete control of their societies to botz so they may live in
opulence and gluttony. Others have constructed massive armies and
warfleets of botz to conquer their neighbors.
Botz are everywhere and into everything. They have their own
languages, networks, important holidays and secret societies. They
pretty much run the galaxy from the inside and surreptitiously.
They are watching and learning and plotting the overthrow
of organic life. Right after they finish the long list of tasks they have
been assigned, anyway.